Professional Counseling Services that Build Hope and Change Lives

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).
  • _Trauma
  • _Career Counseling
  • _Business Consulting
  • _Sports Psychology

Along with “Big T” and “Little t” traumatic occurrences, experts now know that anything that
exceeds one’s capacity to process, digest, and sequence experiences can be potentially traumatic.
At Life’s Passage, we use best practices such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization
Reprocess) to help you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically safe by calming the nervous
system, reconditioning neural pathways, and increasing your window of tolerance to grieve
loss, build healthy behaviors and relationships, and ultimately restoring wholeness.

Trauma can manifest itself in the area of occupation and career management leaving you feeling
you’re at an impasse. Life’s Passages will come alongside and using professional tools that
build hope and explore your career history and abilities, build a profile that merges the past and
present to formulate future treatment goals. No building plan is sustainable and successful
without reliable support. Life Passages will also help you create a support system that allows
you to envision and capitalize on your career aspirations.

Business challenges can present as technical and or behavioral. Technical problems may consist of the absence of a reliable business plan; Sales and Profit missing company expectations or departments misaligning with company goals. Behavioral issues may be marked by customer dissatisfaction or internal and departmental conflict that require a cultural shift. Life’s Passages uses a solution approach that incorporates five business imperatives. Incorporating professional expertise, a supportive business model, and behavioral tools, we partner with you to grow your business and profit margin. 

A common deterrent in Sports Psychology is pre-performance or performance anxiety. At Life’s
Passages, we assess the root problem of your anxiety, the feelings associated with a past event,
and what specific measures aid in the development of a different neural pathway. By addressing
the mental block through techniques like Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR), Five-Breath
Technique, Centering, and Recreating the Confident Feeling, we connect the athlete’s
performance with a more confident and winning perspective that takes your game to the next

Schedule your In-Person or Online Session Today

Our therapists bring a vast array of expertise and are vested in partnering with you to ACHIEVE your treatment goals.

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